+62 22 2504838 humas@stks.ac.id

Diploma IV Social Work

Diploma IV Social Work Education program of Bandung College of Social Welfare directed to Generalist Social Work which provides intergrated and multileve approach (Micro, Mezo and Macro) to reach the goal of social work.

Generalist social worker recogenize the interaction between personal and collective problems, encourage them to work with wide range of human system sucha as community, complex organization, formal group, family and individual to create change in order to maximize human functional system. It means generalists social workers working directly with the client system at all levels, connecting clients with the resources available, intervened with the organization to increase the responsiveness of the system resources, advocacy of social policies to ensure equitable distribution of resources, and conducts research on all aspects of social work practice. The practice of social work generalist guided by a set of knowledge, skills and values of practice, various laws and regulations, as well as considering the educational curriculum of schools of social work in various countries, particularly the global standard educational curriculum of schools of social work under The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW).


The Profile of Diploma IV Social Worker Education Program have the following qualification: able to analyze social problems, problem solver, empowerment and change agent.


The achievement of learning / Learning Outcome (LO) on Diploma Four (IV) Social Work Education Program covers aspects of attitudes, knowledge, specific skills and general skills as follows:

1. Graduate of Diploma IV (D-IV) Social Work Education Program must have an attitude, namely: the fear of the Almighty God and be able to demonstrate religious attitude; uphold the human values ??in the line of duty based on religion, morals, and ethics; contribute to improving the quality of life of society, nation, state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila; role as citizens who take pride and love the homeland, nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation; appreciate cultural diversity, the views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the original findings of an opinion or any other person; cooperate and social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment; obey the law and discipline in the life of community and state; internalize the values, norms, and academic ethics; show an attitude responsible for the work in the field of expertise Social Work independently, and internalize the spirit of independence, effort, and entrepreneurship;

2. Graduate of Diploma IV (D-IV) Social Work Education Program shall have the mastery of knowledge, including: mastering the theoretical concepts of social work: the theory of man as a multidimensional beings, (multidimensional person theory), the theory of interaction (interacting theory), and the theory of context environment (environmental context theory); mastering the knowledge of human behavior in the social environment in the context of Indonesia; mastering the principles, values and ethics of social work; master the methods of social work practice in handling problems at the micro level (individual and family), messo level (group), and the macro level (organizational and community); mastering the client characteristics and field social work services; mastering the forms of social welfare policy in Indonesia; mastering management functions of social service organizations; as well as the mastering the social work research methods for programming the practice of social work intervention.

3. Graduate of Diploma IV (D-IV) Social Work Education Program are required to have special skills, namely: Able to perform preliminary contact with the human and social environment (human system); able to do social work assessment by reviewing the relationship between human behavior with the social environment; is able to select and apply the theoretical concepts of social work in accordance with the characteristics of clients (individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations) and field service; Being able to apply the principles, values ??and ethics of social work; able to identify and offer alternative services in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the client; able to apply the methods and techniques of social work at the micro level, messo, and macro; is able to design and make the handling of social issues in accordance with the stages of social work intervention; able to conduct empirical studies forms of social welfare policy in Indonesia; capable of performing the functions of social services organization management at the operational level; and able to conduct research for the preparation of social work intervention program of social work practice.

4. Graduate of Diploma IV (D-IV) Social Work Education Program shall have the general skills, namely: to be able to apply logical thinking, critical, innovative, quality, and measurable in practice social work, and in accordance with the standards of work competence fields of Social Work; able to demonstrate the performance of independent, top quality, and measurable interventions of social work; able to review the case of the application of methods and techniques of Social Work that takes into account the values ??and ethics of social work in order to produce a prototype or model of the practice of Social Work, and upload the page High School or College of Social Welfare; able to compile the results of empirical studies the science of social work in thesis form, design specifications, and upload on the page of Bandung College of Social Welfare or other College; able to take appropriate decisions based on the procedures and standards of social work; able to maintain and develop the networks and the cooperation within and outside the institution; able to evaluate and be responsible for the achievement of the group’s work and is able to manage learning independently; and capable of documenting, storing, securing, and found the back of data to ensure the validity and prevent plagiarism.